Friday, May 12, 2017

General Taxation 

Government should act always in the best interest of the whole. Taxation, the most widespread form of government action, must be conducted in a way that benefits the whole. The wealthy are text more because they benefit more from the system. Items are taxed as a way to balance the burden. When a country is on the forefront of product, it up to develop the distribution of that product to maximize capital for the nation. 

In the United States, there are two products that could generate enough capital to eliminate the national debt. with proper investment United States government could generate trillions of dollars in revenue over the next 10 years with solar energy and legal marijuana. Concerning the latter, the federal government, at the very least, ought to permit the states to experiment with different systems of regulation and distribution.

Lack of Reason

There is absolutely no reason for the criminalization of the cannabis plant. There is absolutely no reason for the criminalization of the marijuana flowers that bloom on the cannabis plant. There is absolutely no reason for the criminalization of consensual adult consumption of the marijuana plant. 

There should be governmental regulation of the production of what used for consumption, and there should be taxation of the sale of such products, but there should not be criminalization an individual consumption. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Marijuana V. Wild Mushrooms 

Any person capable of digesting solid foods can eat any amount of raw marijuana and be perfectly fine. 

Same type of person can take a walk through the woods, pick and eat a variety of wild mushrooms and die. 

Marijuana V. Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy is harmful to the majority of the Earth's human inhabitants. Most people have an allergy to the oil produced by Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac. 

There are no known allergies to oils derived from marijuana flowers. 

It's been a wild 4 months

I can't believe it has taken me four months to get back to the website. My life has been organized chaos since becoming a dad. Parenthood is amazing but crazy time consuming.