Friday, November 18, 2016

Marijuana and the Attorney General: Implications for 2017, and Beyond

Wow! I am stunned to see that President-Elect Trump's leading candidate for U.S. Attorney General is Jeff Sessions, a congressman from Alabama. Sessions isn't a real Republican, no matter what his party label. He is a far right racist who thinks marijuana users are bad people (in tomorrows post I'll explain the Attorney General's role in enforcing the Controlled Substance Act (CSA), the law that federally criminalizes marijuana and a lot of other drugs. 
It bothers me that this man might be our Nation's highest lawyer, but doesn't like people who skoke weed?? Doesn't make much sense to me. And hell, if Seasions thinks marijuana users are bad people, I wonder what his take is on more serious drug users. I doubt he thinks addiction is disease; he probably thinks it's all a matter of choice. 
What we need to do is write the President-Elect letters, and send him tweets, telling him not to give the Attorney General position to a person who thinks Bob Marley was a bad person. See, the way I see it, we need a more complete and compassionate person as Attorney General, and the President-Elect can make that happen. #TrumpAccountability  
And hell, President-Elect Trump should want to explore options for federal marijuana taxation because we can make sooo much money!! 
I have a lot of ideas. Many, many, many more posts to come. We need to make this happen. If we do, and we tax marijuana on a federal level, we can create a very stable domestic marketplace that could expand tourism and create sustainable job growth. A marijuana marketplace would create
farm, factory, and retail jobs. We could mandate that all components of the process be domestically based, as an initiative to sponsor domestic economic prosperity. As research based numbers show, the average employee of a large scale grow operation could be $20/hr, with full benefits, and still make an exceptionally high profit. When I can get to my computer, and have the time to use it, I'll type up my writings that makes reference of the above stat, and will provide a breakdown of the profit potentials.

Daaammmn, it was a long week! Always good to write about the herb if I cant be smokin on it. When I saw Sessions was in contention, my first thought was,"fuuu******kk I need a dutch and my emergency stash of weed," but I calmed down and resisted. Miss the herb, but not addicted. Haven't smoked for a couple weeks now, and have experienced no signs of withdrawal, not even irritatability or lack of energy. Idk y'all, this plant isn't bad nor does it make bad people! I was off point. Resist Jeff Sessions! 

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